A brief press note has been edited in Spanish and will be sent to major Spanish national and local (Murcia ) press. The note introduces our group and presents the main arguments for building the resort seen from a Spanish point of view. For reference we have adapted the note and translated it to English as seen below. Please feel free to leave your comments.
Comunicado de prensa:
Un grupo de compradores de viviendas del complejo Trampolín Hills de Murcia se niegan a perder la esperanza tras el concurso de la empresa promotora. La mayoría de ellos son extranjeros del norte de Europa esperando para poder disfrutar una de las más de 2000 viviendas del complejo que hasta ahora no se ha podido construir. Ahora se dirigen a las autoridades españolas pidiendo que tomen medidas para que el complejo se pueda realizar.
Un complejo de esta magnitud conlleva un importante interés público que no hay que perder de la vista. Al distrito le vienen muy bien los puestos de trabajo que traen la construcción, sobre todo en los tiempos de crisis que actualmente afecta este sector. Y el tipo de turismo que atraería el complejo beneficiaría los comercios y todo el sector de servicios de la zona.
Los compradores han pagado ya hasta 2/3 del precio de sus viviendas. Los retrasos por parte de las autoridades en el proceso de aprobación del plan parcial que afecta el terreno del complejo ha sido una de las causas de polémica. Ahora se pide la ayuda de las autoridades para evitar un escándalo internacional cuyo efecto sería un agravamiento de la crisis que ya ha afectado el sector inmobiliario con gran impacto.
Press note:
A group of buyers of homes on the Trampolin Hills resort of Murcia refuse to give up their hopes after the bankruptcy of the company promoting the resort. The majority are citizens of Northern Europe waiting to be able to occupy one of the more than 2000 homes on the resort which to this date has not been started. They are now addressing Spanish authorities asking them to initiate procedures so that the resort can be built.
A resort of this dimension is associated with local public interests which should not be underestimated. The jobs involved in the building are much needed, above all in times of crisis such as those currently experienced in this sector. And the type of tourism which the resort would attract implies benefits for commerce and the entire services sector in the area.
The buyers have paid up to 2/3 of the price of their properties. The delays of the authorities in the process of finalization of planning permissions which affect the land destined for the resort have been one of the causes of dispute. Spanish authorities are now being asked for help to avoid an international scandal resulting in an aggravation of the crisis within the Spanish property market which has already been seriously affected.
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