Marzo, 2011
Al Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río
Avda. Constitución nº 11
30191 Campos del Río
I. Pido que se comprueben y/o que se confirmen los siguientes
2004, Noviembre:
Se solicita la recalificación de un terreno de más de 1 200 000 m2 en el municipio de Campos del Río, Murcia.
2005, Mayo:
El Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río aprueba un convenio urbanístico entre el Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río y la empresa Trampolín Hills Golf Resort S. L. para la construcción de unas 2200 viviendas alrededor de un campo de golf.
2006, Julio:
El Pleno del Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río aprueba la modificación de las Normas Subsidiarias de Planeamiento Municipal que afecta al terreno de Trampolín Hills.
2007, Septiembre:
La oposición niega al alcalde el derecho de votar sobre la aprobación del proyecto, por su participación como agente inmobiliario en las ventas de algunas de las viviendas en Trampolín Hills Golf Resort.
2008, Enero:
El alcalde de Campos del Río, Miguel Navarro, pide públicamente que la oposición vote a favor de la aprobación del proyecto, insistiendo que traerá grandes beneficios a la comunidad y que la oposición no tiene motivos para mantener su actitud negativa.
La oposición, liderada por Miguel Buendía, denuncia al alcalde y su partido por faltas en las tramites de aprobación de unas modificaciones del plan parcial de Trampolin Hills, supuestamente en espera a que el derecho de votar por parte del alcalde quedará renovado, 2 años después de sus últimos negocios con la empresa Trampolín Hills Golf Resort S.L.
Un auto dictado en el Juzgado de lo Contencioso-Administrativo número 1 de Murcia por José Miñarro García advierte de la responsabilidad por parte del Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río si el proyecto fallara por causa de la gestión, o falta de gestión por parte del Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río: «de producirse, en hipótesis, un perjuicio masivo a particulares, la responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración sería evidente por tolerar el Ayuntamiento (no sólo el Grupo de Gobierno) la construcción y venta de propiedades a particulares, de forma ostensible y con abundantísima publicidad sin la pertinente autorización administrativa».
El Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río se decide a favor del derecho de votar del alcalde.
2009, Enero:
El Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río aprueba el proyecto.
La Comunidad de Murcia aprueba el proyecto, sujeto a unas modificaciones necesarias.
El Juzgado de lo Mercantil 2 de Murcia declara el concurso necesario de la empresa Trampolín Hills Golf Resort S.L.; el Concurso Ordinario 20/09. Tras el concurso, el alcalde y el concejal de urbanismo aparecen en una reunión de compradores prometiendo que se aprobará la recalificación del terreno dentro de un plazo de un mes.
2010, Marzo:
El Juzgado de lo Contencioso-Administrativo número 1 de Murcia declara nulo el convenio urbanístico entre el Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río y la empresa Trampolín Hills Golf Resort S.L., aprobado en 2005.
Hemos visto que el Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río no ha finalizado satisfactoriamente los trámites puestos en marcha en 2004; entre ellos la recalificación del terreno. Por los muy graves retrasos y faltas en la gestión por parte del Ayuntamiento de Campos del Río, la empresa Trampolín Hills Golf Resort S.L. no ha podido cumplir con los contratos de compraventa de viviendas firmados con los compradores.
II. Como comprador de una vivienda en Trampolín Hills Golf Resort, que aún no se ha podido construir, pido que el
admite en trámite esta solicitud, donde reclamo la responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración y solicito la indemnización pertinente por parte de la Administración, equivalente al importe pagado por mi a la empresa como deposito y pago, para mi vivienda en Trampolín Hills, más los intereses según las tarifas vigentes.
Espero vuestras noticias muy atentamente,
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Open Letter to José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, President of Spain
The Spanish Government
4th March 2011
Dear Sir
I have written to you on a previous occasion sadly to little effect but on searching the Internet I find that not only have you been contacted by many others about the “off-plan” building scandal in Spain … more specifically have you been contacted by many others about the situation with a company in Murcia appearing in several guises … Trampolin Solera, Trampolin Hills, Trampolin Royal Dreams. All of these are separate companies which are interlinked who together, I suspect, with the respective Banks … most notably CAM Bank … have been able to defraud many hundreds of people of their homes and their life savings.
One of the “letters” you have received early this year starts in the following vein:-
“We understand that improving Spain’s economy is proving difficult. We are very sorry about that, but not surprised.
We feel it is necessary to draw your attention to a case which no doubt is keeping European citizens of all nationalities from buying off-plan property anywhere in Spain, and will continue to do so if it is not dealt with in a just and appropriate manner. ….”
The letter then goes on to document a catalogue of errors made by the authorities which have brought many families across Europe to their knees … mine included!
I really wonder whether or not you have any idea of the mammoth scale of the fraud involved … indeed I wonder whether you really care? The Legal system in Spain … a system over which YOU preside … is so lax that I am forced to say “is it any wonder that your own Costa Del Sol is known throughout Europe as the Costa Del Crime”! Criminals in Spain appear not just to survive but to positively flourish in your Country due solely to the dilatory nature and handling by the Courts and the Justice System in Spain.
I take my own situation as a case in point although by NO MEANS isolated. I purchased an “off-plan” property from Trampolin Solera in or around 2004 and over a period of months paid over some 185,000€ leaving a small balance to be paid upon completion. Eventually the property was finished but when my Lawyers checked through the details of the transaction it became clear that a large Mortgage had been taken out with CAM Bank in 2007 which was (a) far in excess of the balance due to be paid (b) taken out against a highly inflated Bank valuation and (c) some +- 2 years AFTER I HAD SIGNED AND AGREED THE CONTRACT! Worse was to follow … the Developer had in fact subsequently sold my property twice and in fact moved the SECOND purchaser into our home … even in Spain this has to be FRAUD!
The Civil Judgment which eventually followed after some two years produced no satisfaction. A second CRIMINAL action was commenced in early 2009 with a “Querella Criminale” being issued against the Developer, Sr. Rafael Aguilera. All of this was two years and in spite of my making two personal visits to the Court number 2 at the Royal Palace of Justice in Murcia and spoken directly to the Judge Miriam Garcia this matter STILL has not been progressed to Trial. In the meantime the Defendant has been able to dissipate all his assets before placing his company Trampolin Solera SL into Administration. The appointed Administrators are Nerea Monzón and Rafael Jiménez from Monzón Abogados in Murcia.
My question of you, Senor, is just what does an innocent victim have to do in order to gain Justice in your Country … I have been defrauded of in excess of 250,000€ including costs ect and all the while the Defendant is able to simply continue enjoying the “spoils” of his crimes whilst continuing to attempt to defraud others. From your point of view, as the President of your Country, perhaps the real concern should be the involvement of the Banks … and in this case CAM Bank … in what is potentially a fraud of over 100,000,000.00€! I would welcome the opportunity of meeting with either yourself or one of your SENIOR advisers in Madrid but in any event I am copying this email to The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, our own Embassy in Madrid, my Lawyers based in La Manga … Iberbrit and the administrators for Trampolin, Monzón Abogados.
I look forward … hopefully … to your meaningful and constructive response.
Kind regards
4th March 2011
Dear Sir
I have written to you on a previous occasion sadly to little effect but on searching the Internet I find that not only have you been contacted by many others about the “off-plan” building scandal in Spain … more specifically have you been contacted by many others about the situation with a company in Murcia appearing in several guises … Trampolin Solera, Trampolin Hills, Trampolin Royal Dreams. All of these are separate companies which are interlinked who together, I suspect, with the respective Banks … most notably CAM Bank … have been able to defraud many hundreds of people of their homes and their life savings.
One of the “letters” you have received early this year starts in the following vein:-
“We understand that improving Spain’s economy is proving difficult. We are very sorry about that, but not surprised.
We feel it is necessary to draw your attention to a case which no doubt is keeping European citizens of all nationalities from buying off-plan property anywhere in Spain, and will continue to do so if it is not dealt with in a just and appropriate manner. ….”
The letter then goes on to document a catalogue of errors made by the authorities which have brought many families across Europe to their knees … mine included!
I really wonder whether or not you have any idea of the mammoth scale of the fraud involved … indeed I wonder whether you really care? The Legal system in Spain … a system over which YOU preside … is so lax that I am forced to say “is it any wonder that your own Costa Del Sol is known throughout Europe as the Costa Del Crime”! Criminals in Spain appear not just to survive but to positively flourish in your Country due solely to the dilatory nature and handling by the Courts and the Justice System in Spain.
I take my own situation as a case in point although by NO MEANS isolated. I purchased an “off-plan” property from Trampolin Solera in or around 2004 and over a period of months paid over some 185,000€ leaving a small balance to be paid upon completion. Eventually the property was finished but when my Lawyers checked through the details of the transaction it became clear that a large Mortgage had been taken out with CAM Bank in 2007 which was (a) far in excess of the balance due to be paid (b) taken out against a highly inflated Bank valuation and (c) some +- 2 years AFTER I HAD SIGNED AND AGREED THE CONTRACT! Worse was to follow … the Developer had in fact subsequently sold my property twice and in fact moved the SECOND purchaser into our home … even in Spain this has to be FRAUD!
The Civil Judgment which eventually followed after some two years produced no satisfaction. A second CRIMINAL action was commenced in early 2009 with a “Querella Criminale” being issued against the Developer, Sr. Rafael Aguilera. All of this was two years and in spite of my making two personal visits to the Court number 2 at the Royal Palace of Justice in Murcia and spoken directly to the Judge Miriam Garcia this matter STILL has not been progressed to Trial. In the meantime the Defendant has been able to dissipate all his assets before placing his company Trampolin Solera SL into Administration. The appointed Administrators are Nerea Monzón and Rafael Jiménez from Monzón Abogados in Murcia.
My question of you, Senor, is just what does an innocent victim have to do in order to gain Justice in your Country … I have been defrauded of in excess of 250,000€ including costs ect and all the while the Defendant is able to simply continue enjoying the “spoils” of his crimes whilst continuing to attempt to defraud others. From your point of view, as the President of your Country, perhaps the real concern should be the involvement of the Banks … and in this case CAM Bank … in what is potentially a fraud of over 100,000,000.00€! I would welcome the opportunity of meeting with either yourself or one of your SENIOR advisers in Madrid but in any event I am copying this email to The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, our own Embassy in Madrid, my Lawyers based in La Manga … Iberbrit and the administrators for Trampolin, Monzón Abogados.
I look forward … hopefully … to your meaningful and constructive response.
Kind regards
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