Monday, December 27, 2010

Address to the court

If anyone would like to write to the court dealing with the bankruptcy proceedings,
or phone them, this is the address and phone numbers:

(Concurso Ordinario 20/09)
Juzgado de lo Mercantil 2 de Murcia
Avda 1º de Mayo, 1, Edf. "Torres Azules", 4º
30006-Murcia, Spain.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bank Guarantee Petition

Whether you were issued a bank guarantee or not, you can fill out the detailed petition and submit it from the link you will find on the links section to the right.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Online EU petition form

Please see the new link to the online form for EU petitions. Please see also the link named "article on EU complaints". We advice all Trampolin Hills buyers to fill out this form and submit your petitions, asking for a full compensation and refund of our deposits with interests, in the case our homes can not be built. Thank you.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


We are still hoping that no news is good news. Meanwhile, wishing you all the best for the Christmas holidays! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Brief Update on the History of Trampolin Hills

What happened?

November: The reclassification of over 1 200 000 m2 of land is applied for in Campos del Rio, Murcia; a low-populated inland municipality with just over 2000 inhabitants in an area of 47,29 km2 .

January: The company Trampolín Hills Golf Resort S.L. is formed.

May: An official agreement to allow for the building of 2200 homes surrounding a golf course is approved by the local authorities

June: A publicity campaign launched by the company leads to the first off-plan sales contracts in phase I of the resort, planned to be finished in 2008. During the next 2 years, most of the planned homes, between 1500 and 2000, are sold to buyers from different parts of Europe, each paying significant deposits of up to 60 000 € pr. home. A total of some 50 000 000 € is paid as deposits.

July: A modification of the agreement is approved by the local authorities, against the protests of the opposition, who claim they have appealed the initial approval.

September: The opposition denies the mayor his right to vote regarding the approval of the project, because of his dealings with the company as an estate agent.

January: The Mayor of Campos del Rio, Miguel Navarro, publicly begs the opposition to vote in favour of the project. He insists it is of great benefit for the community and that the opposition have not given any reasons for their disapproval.

April: The opposition, led by Miguel Buendía, denounces the mayor and his party for deliberately delaying the procedures, awaiting the mayor’s right to vote, which will be renewed 2 years after his last dealings with the company.

May: A court decision by Judge José Miñarro García suggests the municipality is liable to pay the buyers sums equivalent of their deposits, as well as compensate the company, because of the delays.

June: The first complaints from buyers whose homes should have been finished reach the courts.

October: Local authorities decide in favour of the mayor’s right to vote.

November: The Trampolin company denounces the mayor and other officials because of the delays.

January: The local authorities approve the project.

February: The Community of Murcia approves the project, on conditions that a series of modifications are made. The following months, the project is sent back and forth between offices to have the modifications obtained and approved.

November: A court (Juzgado de lo Mercantil 2 de Murcia) declares the necessary bankruptcy proceedings (Concurso Ordinario 20/09) of the Trampolin company, based on a 30 000 € debt to another company.

December: Some of the buyers are notified by mail that they need to present their contracts to be admitted as creditors, after the deadline has expired. The mayor appears in public at a gathering of buyers and media, promising the approval of the reclassification of the land the following month.

February: The Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills is formed by some of the buyers.

March: The association starts negotiations with the bankruptcy trustees as a last effort to have our contracts respected.

The official agreement approved in May 2005 is declared null and void by a judge as a response to the appeal by the opposition on the approval. The full circle has been made and we seem to be back to square one on this issue.

A report issued by the Bankruptcy Trustees estimates the value of the Trampolin Hills land to be more than 69 million €, despite the recent court ruling.

Summary: Spanish authorities have so far been sitting comfortably back watching buyers despair while a small handful of local politicians let their concerns for their own personal rivalries and benefits completely overshadow their concerns for the thousands of individuals seriously affected by their decisions, including the families who are still waiting for their homes as well as those who have lost their jobs. We, the buyers have deposited our life savings in Campos del Rio along with our trust in Spain as a modern EU country which takes her obligations towards the buyers seriously. We feel it is time to clarify who is responsible, what they intend to do and when.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Trampolin Hills bankruptcy proceedings on hold because of challenges to the Bankruptcy Trustees' Report

The Court (Juzgado de lo Mercantil 2 de Murcia) informed us today that the Trampolin Hills bankruptcy proceedings are expected to be delayed for several months, since the Bankruptcy Trustees' Report, released during Easter, was challenged by several (47) of the creditors.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Important agreement for the Trampolín Hills Project

Through conversations between representatives of the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills and Rafael Aguilera, co-proprietor of the company Trampolin Hills Golf Resort, we have managed to reach an agreement to cooperate regarding a formal agreement which implies the construction of Trampolin Hills. The fundamental basis for this agreement will be that of total respect on behalf of all collaborating parties, common benefit, totally on a non-profit basis and with the support of all buyers. In future meetings we will specify a plan to follow so as to coordinate the necessary negotiations with the banks, the town hall of Campos del Rio and the bankruptcy trustees. We invite each affected, members of the “Plataforma de Afectados del Grupo Trampolin”, as well as the group as a whole, to support the association in this cooperation, for the benefit of all buyers and affected.

When we have more details, we will keep you informed.

Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy Summer Holidays!

Both Directors of the Trampolin Company are now provisionally out of jail (see links) although facing possible long sentences. We do not expect any important news until September, but if you wish to maintain informed, please fill in the form in the link (see links) titled PLEASE FILL IN THIS FORM or sign up at the website
For any further questions, do not hesitate to leave your comment or email us directly at
Best of luck!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bankruptcy Trustees report as pdf

Please feel free to email us if you are a buyer and would like us to send you the report, which we now have in pdf format. We will check that your name is on the list of creditors. We expect that this report will form the basis for further proceedings.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Time out for complaints on report

Although the report by the Bankruptcy Trustees was announced both in local news and in the official bulletin, BOE (see link) on 31/03/2010, we have not yet been able to see a copy of it. It is not published in the BOE note, which states that copies can be obtained from the Court. The Courts were closed for 5 days during Easter imediately after the release of the report and have not yet answered our attempts to contact them. The BOE note also states that complaints should be made within 10 days and by means of both a solicitor and an attorney, which we see as practically impossible due to the above mentioned circumstances. We have therefore sent them a request for extension of the due date for complaints, for the records.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Directors in jail

The Directors of the Trampolin Company were arrested yesterday. We hope the authorities do not see this as an adequate solution to our problems.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bankruptcy Trustees estimate the Trampolin Company assets to be far higher than the debts

According to local newspapers, the 442 page report issued just before Easter by the Bankruptcy Trustees estimates the value of the Trampolin Hlls land to be more than 69 million €, despite the recent court ruling which renders invalid the initial agreement between the company and the Town Hall of Campos del Rio, allowing for the building of the resort. This agreement was denounced in 2005 by the opposition, due to the involvement of some of the council members in dealings with the company, and is currently invalid.
Although 39 vehicles, among them 2 Ferraris, are classified as “not located”, the total assets are estimated to be 82.552.206 €, whereas the debts are estimated to be 62.557.091 €. This leaves the company with an estimated 17.537.260 €, according to one newspaper. The list of creditors amounts to some 1700 buyers of off plan homes. Regarding Trampolin Hills, the report states that “this project, as of today, and considering the lack of liquidity of the bankrupt company, would be completely unfeasible”. However, the local newspaper “La Verdad” (see link) concludes that the report opens new hopes for the buyers, who might see the project recovered and the homes built by another company.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

MEP Marta Andreasen and MP Chris Bryant

We would like to thank both MP Chris Bryant and MEP Marta Andreasen for kindly looking into our situation. Both have visited Spain recently. Please see the links section.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What happened?

A Brief History of Trampolin Hills

November: The reclassification of over 1 200 000 m2 of land is applied for in Campos del Rio, Murcia; a low-populated inland municipality with just over 2000 inhabitants in an area of 47,29 km2 .

January: The company Trampolín Hills Golf Resort S.L. is formed.

May: An official agreement to allow for the building of 2200 homes surrounding a golf course is approved by the local authorities

June: A publicity campaign launched by the company leads to the first off-plan sales contracts in phase I of the resort, planned to be finished in 2008. During the next 2 years, most of the planned homes, between 1500 and 2000, are sold to buyers from different parts of Europe, each paying significant deposits of up to 60 000 € pr. home. A total of some 50 000 000 € is paid as deposits.

July: A modification of the agreement is approved by the local authorities, against the protests of the opposition, who claim they have appealed the initial approval.

September: The opposition denies the mayor his right to vote regarding the approval of the project, because of his dealings with the company as an estate agent.

January: The Mayor of Campos del Rio, Miguel Navarro, publicly begs the opposition to vote in favour of the project. He insists it is of great benefit for the community and that the opposition have not given any reasons for their disapproval.

April: The opposition, led by Miguel Buendía, denounces the mayor and his party for deliberately delaying the procedures, awaiting the mayor’s right to vote, which will be renewed 2 years after his last dealings with the company.

May: A court decision by Judge José Miñarro García suggests the municipality is liable to pay the buyers sums equivalent of their deposits, as well as compensate the company, because of the delays.

June: The first complaints from buyers whose homes should have been finished reach the courts.

October: Local authorities decide in favour of the mayor’s right to vote.

November: The Trampolin company denounces the mayor and other officials because of the delays.

January: The local authorities approve the project.

February: The Community of Murcia approves the project, on conditions that a series of modifications are made. The following months, the project is sent back and forth between offices to have the modifications obtained and approved.

November: A court declares the necessary bankruptcy proceedings of the Trampolin company, based on a 30 000 € debt to another company.

December: Some of the buyers are notified by mail that they need to present their contracts to be admitted as creditors, after the deadline has expired. The mayor appears in public at a gathering of buyers and media, promising the approval of the reclassification of the land the following month.

February: The Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills is formed by some of the buyers.

March: The association starts negotiations with the bankruptcy trustees as a last effort to have our contracts respected. The reclassification of the land is still not approved by the local authorities.

Summary: Spanish authorities have so far been sitting comfortably back watching buyers despair while a small handful of local politicians let their concerns for their own personal rivalries and benefits completely overshadow their concerns for the thousands of individuals seriously affected by their decisions, including the families who are still waiting for their homes as well as those who have lost their jobs. We, the buyers have deposited our life savings in Campos del Rio along with our trust in Spain as a modern EU country which takes her obligations towards the buyers seriously. We feel it is time to clarify who is responsible, what they intend to do and when.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bankruptcy Trustees are willing to sign an agreement under certain conditions

Following the meeting held on the 4th of March, the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills and the Bankruptcy Trustees have agreed on signing an agreement to proceed with the construction of the development.

For this it is necessary to have the approval of creditors which represent more than half of the total credit; that is some 25.000.000 €.

The agreement would need to include the following conditions:

1.- Definite commitment on behalf of a financial entity, subject to the condition of approval of an agreement, to grant a sufficient credit to Trampolin Hills for starting the construction.

2.- Acquirement of the plots still awaiting deeds.

3.- Final approval of the reclassification of the land.

4.- Starting again the construction on behalf of Trampolin Hills, subject to the following conditions:

a.- Subscription to an Insurance Policy which guarantees the devolution of the quantities already paid and to be paid by the buyers, as established in the First Additional Resolution to the Construction and Development Act.

b.- Contracting, in charge of Trampolin Hills, of a Technical Office for construction control, without whose approval bills could not be paid or certificates of construction issued, neither by charging bank credit nor by charging quantities paid by buyers.

c.- Establish a control of disposal of funds on behalf of the Administrators of Trampolin Hills.

Because the mercantile legislation impedes the limiting of the functions of the Administrators of companies, it would be convenient to introduce in the agreement a prolongation of the intervention of the Bankruptcy Administrators, whose signatures would be needed for any act of disposal by the company.

The inconvenience of this solution is that we would have to continue dealing with the responsible members of Trampolin Hills, but the advantages would be that they would be totally controlled and that the conditions of price established in the contracts would be respected and, in the case of a new failure, the quantities paid would be covered by an Insurance Contract, with certainty of recovery independent of a new insolvency situation or of breach of contracts on behalf of Trampolin Hills.

Friday, March 5, 2010



Will be holding a Question and Answer session for people living in Spain or
moving to Spain

Chaired by Her Majesty’s Ambassador, Giles Paxman

At 5pm on Saturday 6th March 2010

At the Hotel Cabo Cervera, Torrevieja

Ctra. Torrevieja a La Mata s/n

03188 Torrevieja

Those interested in attending, since
space will be limited and for security reasons, should advise the Consulate
asap, preferably by email at or
''. Tel.96 521 6022, fax 96 514 0528.

PLEASE; if any British Trampolin Hills buyers could possibly attend and question the Minister on our problems, that would be an enormous help. Please let us know, at
Thank you!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills

You will find the presentation in English of the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills in the new web site:
Please take time to join the Association!




I.- The Company “Trampolin Hills Golf Resort, S.A.” has been declared in necessary bankruptcy proceedings.

II.- We have partial knowledge of the Decree of Bankruptcy Proceedings through transfer of copies and verbal information of the situation of reclassification of the land.


1.- Trampolin Hills has had inscribed in their name various plots of land, which are part of the total building land, which are not mortgaged, but with various embargoes for a total of over 2.000.000 €.

2.- There are other plots which are located within the boundaries of the Project, acquired by means of private contracts, the amounts due to be paid by Trampolin Hills being unknown.

3.- There are between 1400 and 1700 off plan sales contracts to buyers, for which some (an unknown number) have applied for the rescission of their contracts.

4.- The definite reclassification of the land is awaiting final approval by the Town Hall of Campos del Rio.



In the case that all or a majority of the buyers of properties apply for a rescission of their contracts because of breach of contracts, there is no doubt that they would obtain a favourable resolution by the Courts, although we must examine the consequences.

It seems that the sums received by Trampolin Hills for the planned construction amounts to the quantity of some 50.000.000 €.

This option implies the loss of rights to allotments of property and to the obligations of construction of the home.

The quantities paid would constitute ordinary credit in the bankruptcy, or even subordinated for those who have not communicated their credit to the Courts within the legal time limits.

In the case of a massive application for rescission of contracts by the buyers, we believe that the Bankruptcy Administration (trustees in insolvency) would not take any steps towards paying and acquiring the plots bought through private contracts, because, probably, they would need to spend money that Trampolin Hills does not have.

The final approval of the reclassification would need to be applied for by Trampolin Hills, now directed by the Bankruptcy Administrators (trustees in insolvency), with no certain knowledge that these would present the petition, as ownership of all the plots included in the Project is still not at their disposal.

According to evaluations presented by Trampolin Hills, the value of the land without reclassification amounts to 6.091.195,11 €, and with reclassification, to 85.939.990 €, although one should take these evaluations with reservations, as they have been presented by the insolvent company.

If there is not a possibility for an agreement with the insolvent company, one would proceed to an ordained settlement of assets, and in the case that this is not possible, to publicly auction off the property. In the current property market situation, we think that the land, even if reclassified and sold ordinarily, would not cover the debts. No need to say the same if sold by public auction.

Of the obtained sum, the privileged credits would be paid first, followed by the ordinary and subordinated in legal proportions.

All this will take its time, the uncertainty of the sums which might be obtained, with the certainty that, if the land is not reclassified, the ordinary and subordinated creditors would practically not obtain anything.

We advise against the strategy of massive application for rescission of the contracts.


The preliminary steps are that the Bankruptcy Administration (trustees in insolvency) acquire the plots which have not yet been inscribed, which are located within the boundaries, and the subsequent final approval of reclassification, which presents the difficulties described in the previous point A.

A condition without exception would be that the mentioned application of allotment is presented by a sufficient number of buyers who, communally, could carry out a significant part of the Project. This would require a substantial number of buyers.

The allotment would be asymmetrical, because there are buyers who have paid sums of less value than their theoretical plot, and others who have paid quantities much larger than that value, which would mean a complex elaboration, which could only be done and decided by the Bankruptcy Administrators (trustees in insolvency) and approved by the Bankruptcy Courts.

If allotment were obtained, the buyers would have to form a Co-Ownership, to build, or a Cooperative, compensate the financial unbalances amongst each other, act themselves as developers of the project to be carried out, having to find the financing, contract engineers and builders, with a new project and new budgets for building.

We advise against the strategy of applying for allotments of coefficients of building plots, because of its complexity and improbable success.


For this it is necessary to have the approval of creditors which represent more than half of the total credit; that is some 25.000.000 €.

The agreement would need to include the following conditions:

1.- Definite commitment on behalf of a financial entity, subject to the condition of approval of an agreement, to grant a sufficient credit to Trampolin Hills for starting the construction.

2.- Acquirement of the plots still awaiting deeds.

3.- Final approval of the reclassification of the land.

4.- Starting again the construction on behalf of Trampolin Hills, subject to the following conditions:

a.- Subscription to an Insurance Policy which guarantees the devolution of the quantities already paid and to be paid by the buyers, as established in the First Additional Resolution to the Construction and Development Act.

b.- Contracting, in charge of Trampolin Hills, of a Technical Office for construction control, without whose approval bills could not be paid or certificates of construction issued, neither by charging bank credit nor by charging quantities paid by buyers.

c.- Establish a control of disposal of funds on behalf of the Administrators of Trampolin Hills.

Because the mercantile legislation impedes the limiting of the functions of the Administrators of companies, it would be convenient to introduce in the agreement a prolongation of the intervention of the Bankruptcy Administrators, whose signatures would be needed for any act of disposal by the company.

The inconvenience of this solution is that we would have to continue dealing with the responsible members of Trampolin Hills, but the advantages would be that they would be totally controlled and that the conditions of price established in the contracts would be respected and, in the case of a new failure, the quantities paid would be covered by an Insurance Contract, with certainty of recovery independent of a new insolvency situation or of breach of contracts on behalf of Trampolin Hills.


The possibility has been commented of another developer willing to buy the credit from the buyers, offering as exchange the sale of another home in another urbanization. This possibility should not be rejected blankly, although the new developer should respect the following conditions:

1.- Respect the final price of each home.

2.- That the urbanization is situated in an acceptable location for the buyers.

3.- That the types and qualities of construction should be equal or similar to those of Trampolin Hills.

4.- That there is an offer of insurance which guarantees the devolution of the quantities already paid, or to be paid, in case of breach of the contract.

And to thus inform, we release this report upon petition of and in the interests of the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills, while awaiting other better documented.

Barcelona for Murcia, 18th of February, 2010

Jaime Olaortua Ugalde Emili Moragas Freixa.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Buyers on TV

Representatives from the newly formed Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills and from the group Buyers for the Building of Trampolin Hills met the media at the Trampolin Hills site in Campos del Rio yesterday. They explained our problems to a reporter from an English newspaper based in the Torrevieja area and to two reporter teams filming for the main local TV channel and for Spanish national TV. Whereas the national program will focus on golf resorts as a means of attracting tourism, the main theme for the local program will be different cases of swindling, Both programs will appear in about three weeks and both teams promised to make known the new web site of the Association so that affected who have not yet been aware of the Association, and others, can find more information on internet.

At the site we found that the doors to the show homes, which had been closed with bricks after the complaints in December have since then been reopened. The houses are now robbed of all windows, electric switches, bathroom and kitchen fittings. We will send in new complaints to the bankruptcy administrators, asking them to report the robberies, notify the insurance company and have the doors and windows closed again. At the office building the glass in the windows had been broken. We feel that this is a sad and meaningless waste of resources.

We now need that a majority of the buyers join the Association so as to put pressure on all parties to cancel the bankruptcy and have the building started as soon as possible. We have heard that the Judge who sentenced the bankruptcy on behalf of a company which the Trampolin company owed 30 000 € (a sum which even seems to have been paid in the last minute) has since then admitted that the decision was rushed. The bankruptcy seems to have been easily avoidable and is now affecting approximately 1500 buyers. All estimates point to major losses for these buyers if the bankruptcy is maintained. The more responsible approach would have been to help getting the project approved and started and this is what the Association now will ask the authorities to do.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The presentation of the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills in the new web site

You will find the presentation in English of the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills in the new web site:
Please take time to join the Association!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills

This is the new form for those who wish to join the Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills. It must be printed out, filled in, signed and sent by regular email. As a member you will be updated with all important news by email directly from the Association so you do not need to follow any forums if you do not have time. The more members, the better our chances for a beneficial solution for all. Please join.
Thank you.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Summary of the meeting in Campos del Rio

An estimated 200 people attended the meeting which was initially meant only for members of the Association, but which permitted access to the media and to all those who wished to express an opinion, even those who are not within the group of affected, such as lawyers and representatives of other building companies, interested in business agreements. The founders of the Association had also invited two specialists in bankruptcy cases who had traveled from Barcelona and were well informed of our situation so as to be able to answer any questions from the participants. These two solicitors outlined three main solutions to our situation.

1) Bankruptcy.
According to their estimates, the worst of the three possible solutions would be completing the bankruptcy procedure, which would lead most probably to an auctioning off of the land at a very low price considering its present state as rustic, non-urban land. They claimed that although the town hall has promised the approval of the final building permissions, they are obliged to consider the situation of their municipality as a whole and particularly the current regulations which set limits to the extensions of urban land provided for. It would therefore be very likely that the town hall might be reluctant to approve a large increase of urban land in a specific area, unless they have a certain guarantee that building will actually take place. A local lawyer who represents some of the affected in a criminal case, as well as in the bankruptcy case, argued over this, claiming that the town hall has promised to approve the building permissions, with or without guarantees, so that by the time the land would be on auction it would already be urban. However, all the solicitors as well as the affected seemed to agree that an auctioning of the land as a result of the bankruptcy would in any case be the worst possible solution for all the affected. The estimates as to how much of our money would be returned to us in this case went as low as 1%.

2) Alternative projects.
The two main alternatives to the bankruptcy would both be based on agreements with the bankruptcy administrators so as to cancel the bankruptcy. Negotiations have already been initiated, and the Association has been legally formed, mainly so that our representatives can take part in the negotiations of any such agreements. Several options for building on the land based on alternative projects were also discussed at the meeting. A building company, who had previously approached the bankruptcy administrators, offered the affected new contracts, with discounts based on the sums already paid, in a planned urbanization in the nearby village of Fortuna. Brochures were handed out to some of the participants but the solicitors commented that any such offer would have to be thoroughly considered after being set forth in detail. Another idea on similar lines, which was discussed briefly at the meeting, was the allotting of individual parcels of land to each affected buyer according to the sum paid. The abovementioned local lawyer seemed to support this idea, but the solicitors specialized in bankruptcy matters warned that the outcome of such an initiative would be uncertain, as it might end in failure after very long and complicated negotiations involving each of the 1600 contracts presented to the bankruptcy administrators. An attempted solution along such lines would then only benefit the lawyers involved.

3) Trampolin Hills.
The solution which, according to the two solicitors advising those who attended the meeting, would be most beneficial to all affected, would also be the simplest to negotiate with the bankruptcy administrators and the town hall. This solution; building based on the current project, inevitably involves the Trampolin Group, which are still negotiating the financing of the project. The only major obstacle to such an agreement seems to be distrust, partially due to the abovementioned criminal case and strongly expressed by some of the buyers, leading to reluctance to sign a new contract with the same company. However, the Association would consider such an agreement, because it is clearly the most beneficial for all affected, on conditions which aim to give the buyers all the guarantees they should have been provided with from the start and now need more than ever. In this event the Association would hopefully be able to coordinate our demands to reach a best possible agreement. However, the final approval and signing of the agreement would be up to each individual buyer.

Whichever of these three main solutions we end up with; unifying our voices by means of an Association will greatly improve our chances of getting heard. The meeting held showed clearly the democratic and open spirit of the founders of the Association. As for legal advice, which will be of utmost importance for the Association, the abovementioned local lawyer who is already involved in the criminal case against the company, offered his legal advice free of charge by the end of the meeting. Although this advice was not rejected by the founders of the Association, there will most certainly be additional advice from independent specialists on bankruptcy cases.
A local newspaper, reporting on the meeting, quoted extensively one of the most critical voices among the participants, an affected who is also an estate agent, apparently having sold some 80 properties for the Trampolin Group. He claimed that the founders of the Association are trying to profit from the situation and that the affected were opposed to being asked to pay an admission fee of 24 €. We feel that the admission fee is a very small charge considering it may lead to our achieving the best possible solution for everyone on the best possible terms. We therefore urge all affected to join the Association and keep up our hopes of a good outcome despite the major problems we are facing.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Directions to the meeting of the association

Please see the new link for directions to the meeting on Sunday 07/02/2010, which will start at 12.30 in the "Sala de Usos Multiples" next to the "Colegio San Juan Bautista" school in Calle de las Escuelas, Campos del Rio. We hope as many buyers as possible can attend. This meeting will be open to members and those who wish to become members only. You should bring contracts and any other relevant documents.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


(Association for the Affected of the Trampolin Group)

We would like to communicate to you that the association is being formed; in head of the association are Emilio and Cristobal (....). Shortly we will provide you with the admission application. To start with we think that the first step should be for as many affected as possible to join, so as to, with all our force, decide by a majority what is the best solution for all and what way to go to achieve this. Sincerely and after consulting with experienced lawyers in these matters, the formation of a communal ownership is not advisable as a first option without investigating first how this would work and the risks which that would imply.


All those assisting should bring their contracts and any other relevant documentation. The meeting will be for the members and those who wish to become members; we really do not wish to contradict anyone but after so much time looking into the matter and now that good news for all may be imminent, we wish to bring you all the information we have, openly, and all the possible options to obtain progress, although all decisions will be taken democratically.
Not that we do not wish to give information but there are individuals who by means of the forum take advantage of some of the information to confuse the idea that the more we are, and the more united we are, the stronger we are; this strength, in the end, will help us achieve any of the goals we set. Because of this, from the time of formation of the association, the information of the association will be reserved for the members and sent to their email address. We also wish to comment that from this association, we are willing to defend the interests of the affected of the Royal Dream promotion who contact us, as they are likewise affected and in a very similar situation.
Thank you to all those who support the association, which is the first step and the most important to achieve all that we aim for.
Pardon us for not writing a lot in the forum, as all our energy and time is being dedicated to achieve progress.
All those who are interested in joining the association, please contact us at the following email address so that we can send you the application form:
Please confirm your assistance to the following email address indicating as reference “CONFIRMACION DE ASISTENCIA”:

The Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills and Royal Dream

Monday, January 18, 2010

Meeting 07/02/10

After a considerable number of affected have contacted us wishing to join, we have decided to hold a meeting (Sunday) 7th of February 2010 in the morning in Murcia (we will inform you of the exact place; first we need to know the number of participants to choose larger or smaller premises).

This will be a meeting only for members or those wishing to become members.

To cover charges we have decided to set an inscription fee of 24 €.
Later on it might be necessary to pay a monthly fee of 10-15€ (all this will be debated on the day of the meeting and depends on the number of members).
The payment form will be by direct debit, as we are more than 1500 affected, and if not we would need to employ a person to take note of these payments, which would raise the costs.

Meanwhile the affected can sign up online; shortly, when we have the association completely formed (we still need an address which we will solve by the beginning of this next week), we will set up the form. We will also give an information telephone number.

A lot of people do not use internet, please try to spread this message.

Best wishes

Association for the Affected of the Trampolin Group


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Meeting with workers union

Good afternoon,
After the meeting this morning with the CCOO (workers union organization) we inform you of the agreements made. First of all they kindly offered us, to start with, offices from which to work with the association.
Secondly they also offered us their solicitors to advise us.
They will try to talk with Mr. Jose Ballester who is the council member for Public Construction and Housing in Murcia to see how he might help us. They will also contact the bankruptcy administration lawyers. They are on our side and are willing to support us in all our work because this will generate a lot of jobs in the area.
As you can see, we are advancing slowly, it is very hard, but we are accomplishing advances.
Best wishes
Association for the Affected of Trampolin Hills
Cristobal, Emilio and Patricia

Friday, January 15, 2010

News from Cristobal, Emilio and Patricia

First of all we would like to apologize for not having made public more information recently, as we do not want to make suggestions which later turn out to not be feasible and because of the current situation we do not want to confuse anyone. We would like to inform you that after meeting with the bankruptcy administrators, with Grupo Trampolin, various legal advisors, the Mayor of Campos del Rio, talking with the Comunidad Autonomo de Murcia
(Murcia regional administration) (we are still waiting to meet up with the judge, workers commissions and political parties) and after having gathered an important quantity of contrasting documentation, we believe that the best option is to form a legally constituted association., as we are being asked to do to be able to take part in meetings, apply for information and documentation to show all of you,
We are in a complex situation, but this does not mean it is impossible; we now need more than ever that all stand united in this project and that we all join in.
The three of us, Cristobal, Emilio and Patricia, offer to continue being the representatives in these matters, but as we have said, we all have the same rights and obligations and need to stand united and work towards the same goals. Although we are the ones who are in the frontline, all the members of the association are equal and will have access to the same information as we do. We have started the procedures of the forming of the association (the statutes, application form, etc. will be made public in the forum).
As all associations, we will need legal advisors to represent us in legal matters, which will be required, as well as fiscal advisors and qualified people to supervise technical matters.
A lawyer who is in charge of a large number of national and foreign claims regarding Trampolin has recently contacted us. She agrees totally with what we are doing and she and her clients wish to join us in our cause, because they know that unless the building goes ahead we will see next to no money back.
Monday, the 18th, probably, we will meet with her in Murcia. We will let you know what has been said and if you agree, she might be the lawyer to represent us.
All of this will lead to a series of expenses, which all the members of the association would have to pay. (until now, we are paying between us). All of this could be debated in a meeting which will be organized shortly, and to which we ask for the maximum number of participants. It would be about 20-30 €. It is not a lot when shared by many, but a lot for one person to pay. We have a meeting room granted to us by the town hall of Campos del Rio, and will arrange a meeting as long as a considerable number of people are willing to assist. There we will explain everything, as you wish. (This will be an opportunity to sign up as a member of the association, as well as online, and we will also provide telephone numbers to call for information exclusively for those who can not attend the meeting).
Our main objective is the following:
-That the properties are built, as this is the only way to avoid loss; if this can not be done we will not obtain our homes nor our money.
-The sums paid to be legally guaranteed.
-That those who do not want or can not complete the purchase recovers their money, or a resale of the home.
-And that the conditions in the contracts are respected.
-If we finally are not capable of obtaining such a solution, we will unite to ask all those to blame for the situation to take their responsibility.
Through this forum we will inform you of the date and time for the meeting and we would be grateful to those who know of others who are affected but not registered in this forum, if they could inform these.
Thank you and best regards to all.
Cristobal, Emilio and Patricia.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy 2010 to all, we hope you have enjoyed your holidays.
An important meeting regarding the financing of Trampolin Hills Golf Resort is set for 14/01/10. We are hoping the financing goes through so that the resort can be built. This depends partially on the quantity of names we can present on our list of buyers, so please do not forget to add your name and spread this message.
Thank you.